Is it better to have a hard or soft suitcase?

What is a good set of luggage?

Whether you are a regular flyer, a seasonal traveler, or a businessperson always on the move, you are required to have good sets of luggage. An excellent set of luggage is vital to keep your stuff protected and organized.

Purchasing an excellent set of luggage can be an intimidating task but it is also amusing. A good set of luggage means the best set of luggage. The best luggage sets are a great way to solve your traveling issue.

Because they contain various options which are suitable for several travel styles and plans. In this article, we will discuss all the things you need to know about a great set of luggage. Therefore, let’s begin.

What are the features to look for in a good set of luggage?

A good set of luggage is not inexpensive, and a high-quality, sturdy set can simply cost more than half your month’s rental. So, you need to ensure that what you are purchasing is deserve the investment, and it means considering numerous aspects.

These features are not only the luggage’s wheels and zippers. The features to consider when investing in good sets of luggage are given below.


An excellent set of luggage will do you no good if it is very big for boarding your aircraft or train with. Luggage size regulations differ by air company, but you will normally be secure with luggage that is 22 inches x 14 inches by 9 inches from topmost to bottommost.


No one will under-pack for a tour. It is easy to over-pack big luggage and end up weighing it over the 50 pounds limit. Overweight charges are more alarming than taxes, so ensure the luggage isn’t hefty when it is empty.

Luggage sets are frequently promoted as “lightweight”, but do not take their word for it. Ensure you see the real weight of the luggage printed on the price label. A set of luggage should be less than 10 pounds.

Numerous lightweight luggage sets are soft-sided, which is excellent for loading the luggage into a small overhead bin area. If you have a habit of traveling with stuff that can be easily spoiled, then go with a stiffer side piece of luggage.

Safety Features

Without a lock, it will be simple for anybody to get into your luggage set and steal your valuable stuff. Look for a Transportation Security Administration lock, which will let just you and airport staff open it up and check your belongings.

Both the combination and key style lock are excellent options. However, it may be more possible to lose a key than, say, ignore your combination, which you can observe down anywhere distinct in your mobile or wallet.

Construction and Sturdiness

Generally, there are three elements to consider for the best materials for sturdiness and comfort of travel. They are the frame, material, and waterproofing. If the luggage has an inner frame, search for fiberglass which delivers force, but is extremely lightweight.

If you are selecting fabric, select a lightweight and durable material like ballistic nylon. Waterproofing is also very vital. In this case, you can look for Duraguard Fabric Protector coating.

Additional Compartments

Although a big set of luggage can aid you to carry your stuff in bulk, the additional pockets, slips, and compartments will be a clutch for remaining organized on the move.

Search for net pockets to discrete your shoes or filthy laundry from your clean dresses and dividers to aid in a divided luggage room between 2 travelers.


The kind of wheels your luggage is armed with will decide how well you can get around with it. Therefore, you are required to know what you are looking for before choosing a luggage set.

The most popular choices are in-line skate wheels, which are sturdy and settle into your luggage, letting it be dragged along behind you. Spinner wheels, on the other hand, which are external, see your luggage’s wheels spinning by a complete 360°, so you can pull it along with or ahead of you.

In addition, wheels should be protected by metal joints to simplify carrying your luggage set from one end of the airport to the other end.


If you want a set of luggage for a longer run, go for the one with the best manufacturer’s warranty. A lifetime warranty to mend or substitute the set of luggage is, unquestionably, the best option. Check the warranty for particular needs, like omissions for when an air company damages your luggage.

Differentiation Between Hard And Soft Luggage

The best material for your sets of luggage will chiefly rely on the kind of belongings you are about to carry. For a holiday street tour, for example, you will probably be fine keeping soft luggage sets into the backseat, while long-distance traveling might need something more hefty-duty.

Like maximum things, each type has its advantages and disadvantages. Soft-sided luggage remains to rule the market, although hard-sided luggage is rapidly gaining fame due to the latest lightweight materials.

Soft Luggage

Those people searching for a soft side luggage set, which vows to be further lightweight and storage-friendly, will want to go for the sturdy polyester that will enhance your packing abilities and ease enlargement.

The polyester also needs to be padded to secure your stuff more from probable effect, although possibly not as well as a hard-side luggage set would. A soft side luggage set could be more effortless to pack into a car trunk and to store in the house.

You will need to take care more with a soft side luggage set, as it is far more risk to have stains. This type of luggage set is not protective like a hard-sided luggage set and is vulnerable to tearing.

Hard Luggage

Hard-sided luggage sets sometimes feature a 50/50 divided opening, letting you pack 2 sides equivalently and stabilize the innards with an X-strap or mid divider. When it comes to hard-sided luggage sets, which will better defend your stuff and clean up effortlessly, you will mostly be dealing with ABS plastic.

ABS plastic is a famous hardshell material for its high strength-to-weight proportion and capability to resist rust and unfavorable environmental circumstances. Polycarbonate, in the meantime, is a little stronger, more heat resistant, and a more pliable kind of plastic that costs more, but provides your stuff better safety.

Although this kind of luggage can’t be beaten in an under-carriage pile-up, it can also be hefty and less than roomy with slight room for extension. It can also be scuffed and scratched easily.


Purchasing a set of luggage is like meeting a new travel companion. You rapidly learn whether you have found a dependable friend deserving of sharing your adventures, or a buddy that is going to slow you down.

A set of luggage can have somewhere between two to eight pieces, including a carry-on, a check-in, along with extra bags for clothes, iPads, and accessories. There are several different sizes, types, and brands of sets of luggage on the market.

So, what is a good set of luggage? We have elaborately discussed the answer to this question in this article. We are hopeful that you have now known everything about an excellent set of luggage.


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